Vaginal Laser Rejuvination

Newport Beach OB/GYN Medical Group, Inc.
OB-GYNs located in Newport Beach, CA
During perimenopause, menopause or after childbirth woman’s estrogen levels decrease. This decrease in estrogen causes thinning, drying and stiffness to the vaginal, vulvar and lower urinary tract tissue over time. There are a variety of symptoms associated with these physical changes such as: Pain, bleeding or burning with intercourse, vaginal dryness and itching, changes in vaginal discharge, as well as frequent bladder infections, urgency and frequency of urination and sometime urinary incontinence. These symptoms generally progress over time resulting in decreased sexual intimacy and decreased quality of life. Over-the-counter personal lubricants and local estrogen and vaginal/vulvar laser treatments may be effective to treat estrogen-deficiency changes. With prescription estrogen treatments, however, the data on its safety, particularly in women with a personal history of estrogen-dependent breast cancer, heart attack or stroke is lacking.
Most patients will typically have 3-4 sessions with the AcuPulse FemTouch fractional CO2 laser once every 4-6 weeks and annually for maintenance. The CO2 fractional laser uses a disposable vaginal probe that delivers painless pulses of energy to the vaginal walls to stimulate creates production of new collagen and blood vessels that reorganize and re-equilibrate the components of the vaginal mucosa and the urogenital structures. The maximum benefit will occur approximately 3 months after the final session.
For external vulvar skin treatments, local numbing medication should be applied to the area being treated at least 30 – 60min beforehand and patients may notice more of a snapping or slight burning sensation with these treatments.
A tissue regeneration process lasting numerous weeks is triggered with each laser treatment. Significant improvements can be seen even after the first treatment: the vaginal mucosa becomes more nourished and hydrated and the epithelium becomes thicker, more toned and elastic. The correct vaginal pH becomes re-established, which helps maintain its natural protective barrier and reduces the risk of infection. Enhanced vaginal tissues at the urethral opening may reduce problems with incontinence and improve sexual function. However, laser rejuvenation in itself cannot guarantee a heightened sexual response, since desire, arousal and orgasm are complex, highly personal responses.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any risks?
There are some minimal risks. Most women report temporary side effects, slight redness or swelling. This discomfort usually disappears in few days.
How long do the effects of the treatment last?
The results are immediate, even after the first treatment and improve over subsequent months. The regeneration process that it triggers may fade over time when it may be advisable to repeat the treatment.
What do patients experience during treatment?
For internal vaginal wall treatments, patients may experience a slight pressure against the vaginal wall and increased sensitivity near the vaginal opening. External vulvar skin treatments may be more sensitive and require numbing medication to the area 30 – 60min prior to the treatment, but are generally very well tolerated by patients.
How is the recovery?
Some women report slight localized discomfort following the laser treatment and during the first few days after the session. Usually, woman may resume their normal routine after 1-3 days. For external vulvar treatments, woman may need to avoid intercourse, exercise, pool and wear loose-fitting clothing for the first 2 weeks after as the skin may become red and cause peeling with mild discomfort.
When can I resume sexual activity?
Intercourse should be avoided in the first 3-4 days after vaginal treatment and approximately 2-3 weeks after vulvar treatments.
FemTouch, a new solution for treatment of vaginal health related conditions.
FemTouch is a vaginal laser that addresses vaginal health related conditions by promoting the remodeling of the vaginal mucous epithelium layer. The Fractional CO₂ laser is applied along the vaginal wall which results in very gentle controlled ablation and coagulation of the vaginal lining.
The FemTouch™ gynecology laser solution was developed by Lumenis, the inventor of CO₂ technology, combining a heritage in gynecology applications. For over two decades, gynecologists around the world have been using Lumenis’ CO₂ products to perform various surgeries such as vaginal, robotic and laparoscopic procedures. FemTouch™ has been developed in collaboration with leading gynecologists in the field.
The Need
With age and after childbirth, women start noticing symptoms related to their vaginal health that affect their lifestyle on different levels. Vaginal atrophy or dryness is a common symptom in post-menopausal women that is sometimes accompanied by itching or pain regularly and also during sexual intercourse.
Stress urinary incontinence is another symptom appearing also in a younger demographic, in some cases already for women 20-45 years old. Women who have undergone childbirth will often notice symptoms of vaginal laxity which can impact their satisfaction with sexual intercourse.
The Solution: A Simple, Fast and Comfortable In-Office Procedure
Disclaimer: Lumenis AcuPulse CO2 Laser is FDA-approved for use in Gynecology for incision, excision, ablation and/or vaporization of soft tissues of the cervix, vagina and vulva as well as for Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery. For years CO2 Lasers have been used in the vagina in both the United States and abroad to reduce genitourinary symptoms due to estrogen-deficiency, but are still undergoing investigation by the FDA into the short and long term risks/benefits. Vaginal Laser FAST The procedure takes only a couple of minutes EFFICIENT Only 2-4 treatments are needed for optimal outcomes HASSLE-FREE No anesthesia nor special post-procedure care are required Rejuvination, in the hands of trained gynecologic surgeon, is a non-FDA approved option to treat genitourinary symptoms resulting from estrogen-deficiency
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